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New geoconvert that works better!

Eisenberg, Daniel (CIV) requested to merge dan-edits into master

Fixed a lot of issues and added more functionality.

Changes made:

  • fixed issues with reading/writing shapefiles. Geopandas was not reading shapefiles correctly. Current fix is a kluge -- call gpd.read_file() once is broken, twice seems to work.
  • added the ability to choose output CRS. Now users can convert to and from shapefiles with NAD83. Converting from NAD83 --> geojson was breaking our original version.
  • added the pyproj4 string for the NAD83 CRS. Older versions of geopandas cannot convert to NAD83 successfully.
  • re-arranged some of the functions, variables. started adding some notes and details to explain the code. This part is very unfinished.

Known issues:

  • still fixing functionality with geopandas version 0.7.0. Can't get the app window to updated properly even though the conversion is working.

Merge request reports